Three eLIPSE Directors, Lydia Kavanagh, Carl Reidsema and Peter Sutton, were part of a team awarded a Commendation in the Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning category of the UQ Excellence in Teaching and Learning Awards for 2017. The Faculty of EAIT team developed and runs the Faculty's Teaching and Learning Development Program, which is part of the Faculty's Staff Development and Support.
On 7 June 2017, Esther Fink, EAIT Learning Designer, was announced as the winner of the Individual Award for Excellence in Service at the 2017 UQ Awards for Excellence. This award recognises and celebrates individuals who have made an outstanding and significant contribution to delivering excellence in service to students, staff and/or the wider community.
Over the past 6 years, Esther has been instrumental in leading the development, implementation and ongoing support for staff and students engaged in the Faculty of EAIT's innovative Teachnology Enhanced Active Learning environments. She is adaptable and versatile, is constantly thinking about how to make what we offer more efficient and more accessible, and has provided skilled and enthusiatic support to over 200 teaching staff in 100 courses in the past year alone.
On 3 May 2017, Lydia Kavanagh was elected a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in recognition of attainment against the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in higher education.
Conferral of a Principal Fellowship signals that the holder exercises strategic influence in higher education and has demonstrated commitment to teaching, learning and the student experience.
On 29 November 2016, at the ASCILITE (Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education) Conference in Adelaide, eLIPSE received the ASCILITE 2016 Award for Excellence in Learning Analytics.
The successful submission was titled Supporting students’ ownership of their learning with analytics and described a student facing approach to learning analytics, supporting students' learning through innovative tools; the JourneyMaker, Learning Pathway and the student Dashboard. The Faculty of EAIT has trialled more active approaches to learning in order to increase student engagement, and uses learning analytics to assist students to improve their own learning in this process.
The full submission can be viewed here.