The eLearning Innovations and Partnerships in Science and Engineering (eLIPSE) unit provides software development services and technical support/maintenance services for bespoke eLearning technologies that originate from the needs of students and the inventiveness of academics in the Faculties of EAIT and Science. The tools that eLIPSE develops and supports solve problems not adequately addressed by existing commercial software. Development of prototypes for new tools is funded by internal grants (e.g. Faculty T&L Grants, UQ Teaching Innovation Grants) won by academic staff, and their ongoing maintenance is funded by support from the two faculties.
Since 2014, eLIPSE has created from scratch, or inherited from academics and adapted for online use, a growing portfolio of tools that are now supported by eLIPSE developers.
Work is also undertaken for units outside EAIT/Science, and financial contributions are made towards ongoing maintenance/technical support for these tools.
eLIPSE brings together expertise in the fields of eLearning, curriculum design and software development that allows innovations to be quickly and effectively piloted. The software development team facilitates quick start-ups for software development projects that would otherwise suffer delays incurred through establishing and filling IT positions and training new staff. Student Developers are also employed in a unique partnership that allows their voice to be imbedded in our innovations.
Better outcomes for projects derive from taking advantage of shared resources and the expertise developed by staff in eLIPSE. More details on eLIPSE software development projects can be found here.
More information on services provided, including assistance with compiling applications for funding for technology-based learning projects, can be found here.
eLIPSE aims to:
eLIPSE works closely with central divisions leading and supporting the digital learning environment at UQ, most importantly the Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI) and Information Technology Services (ITS).
eLIPSE comprises a group of academic collaborators and learning designers anchored in their schools/faculties, supported by a software development team employed by eLIPSE.
Academic leadership for the unit is provided by Professor Lydia Kavanagh, Deputy Associate Dean Academic (Curriculum Design & Teaching Innovation) in the Faculty of Science and Deputy President, UQ Academic Board, and Associate Professor Peter Sutton from the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of EAIT.
Project leaders for eLIPSE projects are located in schools across the University and have access to eLIPSE resources.
eLIPSE has organised presentations by academics using eLIPSE tools, which are available for viewing.
If you wish to discuss a short demonstration for your school teaching and learning committee or school staff meeting by the eLIPSE Software and Business Development Manager, please contact us.
The eLIPSE Leadership Team oversees the operations of the unit and comprises the eLIPSE academic leaders (listed above), the EAIT Manager, Teaching and Learning, the Science Senior Learning Designer, the eLIPSE Business and Software Development Manager, the ITaLI Deputy Director (Digital Learning) and the ITS Project Manager, Virtual Learning Environments Program.
The Leadership Team is required to provide biannual reports to the EAIT Teaching and Leaning Committee and the Science Teaching and Learning Committee, and receive their guidance on strategic directions and evaluation of eLIPSE contributions to teaching and learning.
From 1 July 2015 to 31 December 2019, eLIPSE was a school-level centre, within the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering. As such, it was required to submit an annual report to the Executive Dean, Facult of EAIT. Copies of the eLIPSE Annual Report for the period of its centre status are provided below.